Quantitative Aptitude
Showing posts with label Quantitative Aptitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quantitative Aptitude. Show all posts

Quantitative Aptitude - 01

Quantitative Aptitude - 01 


1. Advanced: In how many ways can we give change for rs 100 using 1 rupee and 2 rupee coins? For example for 5 rs we can give three ways 
(1,1,1,1) (1,1,1,2) )(,1,2,2) 

Answer: 51 

2. We are driving along a highway at a constant speed of 55 miles per hour (mph). You observe a car one half mile behind you. The car is moving fast and zooms past you exactly one minute later. How fast is this car traveling (mph) if its speed is constant? 
a. 80 
b. 70 
c. 72 
d. 85 

Answer: 85 

3. What is the next number in the series 70,54,45,41? 
a. 40 
b. 35 
c. 45 
d. 54 

Answer: 40 

4. George can do some work in 8 hours. Paul can do the same work in 10 hours while Hari can do the same work in 12 hours. All the three of them start working at 9 AM. while George stops work at 11 am,the remaining two complete the work,approximately when will the work be finished? 
a. 11:30 AM 
b. 12 noon 
c. 12.30 PM 
d. 1 PM 

Answer: 1 PM 

5. A certain sum of money is sufficient to pay either George’s wages for 15 days or mark’s wages 
for 10 days, for how long will it suffice it both George and mark work together? 
a. 9 
b. 8 
c. 6 
d. 5 

Answer: 6

6. Advanced: a,b,c are positive numbers such that a+b+ab= 8, b+c+bc=15 and c+a+ca = 35 
What is the value of a+b+c+abc? 

Answer: 36 

7. The 260th term of the series a,b,b,c,c,c,d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e,e,f,f,f,f,f,f,….is: 
a. U 
b. W 
c. T 
d. V 

Answer: W 

8. Advanced: It is possible to pair up all the numbers from 1 to 70 so that the positive difference of the numbers in each pair is always the same. For example, one such pairing up is (1,2), (3,4), (5,6),….(69,70). Here the common on difference is 1. What is the sum of all such common differences. 

Answer: 1680 

9. Advanced: A regular polygon with 12 sides (dodecagon) is inscribed in a square of area 24 square units as shown in the figure where four of the vertices are mid points of the sides of the square. The area of the dodecagon in square units is. 

Answer: 19.26 


10. The people of the land of unsymmetrix to ensure that there is very little symmetry in life. Even 
their unit of length (no one knows what it is) is called as unsym. It is their pride that the front 
wheel and the real wheels of their bikes are of different sizes but are made so that they will 
not slip on the road . In a certain model of bike the radius of the front wheel is 28 unsyms and 
that of the back wheels is 14 unsyms after driving a certain distance if front wheel had 
revolution 54 times how many revolution would the back wheel have undergone? 
a. 136 
b. 122 
c. 108 
d. 94 

Answer: 108

11. In the IT department of backrub, the administrator password is changed every month. The team of administrator, spread across the globe, receive an 8 digits number via email. This number is to be prefixed with a single digit number and suffixed with a single digit number to get the actual password. The password is divisible by 11 and 8. If the team received 54218345 this month. Then which of the following pairs give valid prefix and suffix respectively? 
a. 3,7 
b. 1,6 
c. 2,4 
d. 4,2 

Answer: 1,6 

12. Rs. 3000 is distributed among A, B and C such that A gets 2/3rd of what B and C together get 
and C gets ½ of what A and B together get. Find C’s share. 
a. 1500 
b. 1000 
c. 1200 
d. 1800 

Answer: 1000 

13. Given that 1<a<b<c 
a. exp(a^d)/exp(b^c) 
b. exp(b^d)/exp(a^c) 
c. exp(c^d)/exp(a^b) 
d. exp(b^c)/exp(a^d) 

Answer: exp(c^d)/exp(a^b) 

14. 32 times of a two digit number is 23 times the number obtained by reversing its digit. The sum of its digit is 15 Find the number: 
a. 96 
b. 69 
c. 87 
d. Insufficient information 
Answer: 69 

15. Let N be the greatest number that will divide 148, 246 and 623 leaving remainders 4, 6 and 11 respectively. What is the remainder if N is divided by 7? 
a. 0 
b. 1 
c. 5 
d. 6 

Answer: 5 

16. A store is selling a jacket on sale at 30% off the marked price. A matching pair of pants is on sale at 40% off the marked price. If the marked price of the pants is Rs. 8500 less than the marked price of the jacket and the total sale price of both items is Rs. 23500, then what is the marked price of the jacket? 
a. 21700 
b. 21800 
c. 22000 
d. 22100 

Answer: 22000


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