tcs pa mcq

tcs pa mcq

PA Previous Mcq's

1 .Tcs had won the mega partner excellence award in ?






2.Two A's of effective writing ?

Ans: accurate and accessible

3.Details provided in the signature of email ?


Name email

phone number



Ans : 1,2,3


4.Some challenges in Artifical Intelligence ?



common sense



Ans : 4

5.Fastest Sorting alogithm ?


6.which is the not dynamic programming ?
Ans: Primes algorithm


7.Which algorithm will gives best performance
when array is half or almost sorted ?

Ans: Insertion sort


8.To copy two files in a new files ?

Ans: cat file1 file 2 > file 3

9.To sort the records from large to small number
and print the largest number ?

Ans: Option with Desc limit 1

10.Syntax of background image in css ?

Ans: background-image

11.All html tags have closing tags ?

Ans: false

13.what is command for order list with roman number ?

Ans: <ol type='I'>

14.Which is not css unit ?

Ans: ut

15.Cloud computing provides virtual and storage
adta. They can access our data or not ?

Ans: True

16. if[-r & 2]

Ans: is which contains right expresion in options

17.<p>top news </p>
<blockquote url: hindu news…. Com</blockquote>

Todays news block quote display or not ?

Ans : True

18. To remove a folder which have a files

Ans: rm –rf

19.String ‘llp’ file case insensitive.. ?

Ans : Grep –i ‘llp’ file.txt

20.What type of join in below statement..?

Select column_name(s) from table1 T1 , table2 T2
Where condition;

Ans: self join

21. Plsql question with global variables and local

Ans :Error

22. Being objective in writing skills means

1.Figuring out accurate facts and something

2.Figuring out facts but not personal views

3.Assuming stereotypical information

Ans: 1,2

23. How many types of indices are present in sql server ?

Ans: 2

24. p{




Paragraph is printed in which color

Ans :Green

25. While making the help document for the ABC
application or something which factors should be in
consideration ?


User experience

Technical knowledge


Ans : 1,2,4

26. Emphasing the text in html … ?

Ans : <em>

27. Tag which is not for formatting text ?

Ans : <p>

28. Judging others based on our culture.. ?

Ans : Ethnocentrism

29. Algorithm category.. ?

Ans : Minimum coupling and increase cohesion

30. Rio weekly celebrate because … ?

Ans : Aimed to improve System support operation

31. Computer algorithm which learns using previous
result .. ? 


Ans : Classification

32. The production logs can be shared with the
concerned team after appropriate ?

Ans :Approval

33. Sql command to drop the column in specific table.. ?

Ans : alter table tablename drop column columnname

34. Sql command correct syntax to check between the
values .. ?

Ans : BETWEEN val1 and val2

35. Duplication of code is the root cause of problem in
dp ?

Ans : True

36. What is difference between private and public cloud ?
Ans : Deployment location

37. which is the invalid field in HTML5 ?

Ans : Day

38. Which is invalid escape sequence in javascript ?

Ans : /e

39. which is the invalid command in sql ?

Ans :Fetch

40. which of the method is used by humans while
making judgements ?

Ans : Intuitive based

41. The field that investigates in intelligence is

Ans : Cognitive science

42. what is the exit condition … plsql ?

Ans : exit when SQL%NOTFOUND

43. What is minimum number of disks RAID ?

Ans : 3

44. One power and one neutral wire is know as

Ans : Single phase

45. Which is valid mode of operation in vi editor ?

Ans :Command mode

46. you have created a shell script and wants to run
the script . what should you do before trying to run the
script ?

Ans :Update the execute permission of the script…

48. To find length of the string

String a;

Ans : a.lenght();

49. class Box{



Class solution {

Box box[]={b1,b2,b3,b4,b5};

For(int i=0;i<box.length();i++)


Ans : error

50.Mobile devices connect with GPS and camera of
our phone… ?

Ans : True

51.Delete lines from ‘this’ file .. ?

Ans : Sed/’this’/d file

52.In python section qn is
Ans : Error

53.When tcs was established ?

Ans : 1968

54. Object includes ?

1. attributes
Ans : 2(Object includes behaviour and identity)

55.Agile principle

Leadership over management
Management over management
Adaptive over prescriptive
Prescriptive over adoptive
Customer colloborative over contrort negotiation
Contrort negotiation over customer collaborative

Ans : 1,3,5

56.Caption tag is used with …

Ans : 3

57.Tcs values are

Ans: Integrity , Leading change , Respect for
individual , Excellence , learning and sharing.

58.We will be fair ,honest, transparent and ethical in our
conduct; everything we do must stand the test of public
scrutiny ? this refers to which value ?

Ans: Integrity

59.To increase the size of a column in SQL.. ?

Ans : ALTER TABLE table_name
MODIFY column_name datatype(new_size)

60.In unix section qn is
S=0 {s=s+$2}

Ans : Sum of second column

61.Is caption rage used to give table a caption … ?
Ans : True

62.Text-align:justify… ?


None of these

Ans : 4

63.If a client become informal to you then what will you
do… ?
//partially same meaning options , not exactly same

Ans : will him to be formal

64.One question from plsql was” the upward to lower flow
in a loop is …. ?”

Ans : reverse

65.If you are in between you assessment and your
manager told you to attend the call what you will do… ?
//partially same meaning options , not exactly same
Ans : say him politely that you will attend the call
after your assessment

66. a:link,a:visited {
background-color : red;
a:hover {
background-color : green
<a href = "abc.html">Click me </a>

Ans:will create a link having background color
red and on moving the pointer background color
will be green

67.SQL Query used to search details based on the
1st character in a column..?

Ans : Select * from table_name where name like

68.Unix command to remove duplicates in line .. ?
Ans : sort –u

69.What is output of below commands.. ?

grep –o cat animal.txt
grep ‘cat’ animal.txt

Ans :cat cat

70.Question from javascript section ,”var x=100+5**3 ? “

Ans : 225NAN

71.File and directory permission access will be done
by which command … ?
Ans : chmod

72.What is purpose of type and rowtype ..?
(from plsql section)

Ans: TYPE provides datatype of a variable and
ROWTYPE provides record type that represents
a entire row of a table or view or columns selected
in the cursor

73.Which tag is used to emphasize the text.. ?
Ans : <emph> or <em>

74.On update cascade ensures what .. ?

Ans :Data integrity

75.Flow of information in R10.. ?

Ans :Primary -> Secondary -> KT

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