Data compression unit 3 mcq

Data compression unit 3 mcq

Data compression unit 3 mcq

1. In dictionary techniques for data compaction, which approach of building dictionary is used for the prior knowledge of probability of the frequently occurring patterns?
(A) Adaptive dictionary
(B) Static dictionary
(C) Both
(D) None of the above

Correct option is B

2. If the probability of encountering a pattern from the dictionary is p, then the average number of bits per pattern R is given by
(A) R=21-12p
(B) R=9-p
(C) R=21-p
(D) R=12-p

Correct option is A

3. Static dictionary –
(A) permanent
(B) sometimes allowing the addition of strings but no deletions
(C) allowing for additions and deletions of strings as new input symbols are being read
(D) Both (A) and (B)
(E) Both (A) and (C)

Correct option is D

4. Adaptive dictionary –
(A) holding strings previously found in the input stream
(B) sometimes allowing the addition of strings but no deletions
(C) allowing for additions and deletions of strings as new input symbols are being read
(D) Both (A) and (B)
(E) Both (A) and (C)

Correct option is E

5. LZ77 and LZ78 are the two __________ algorithms published in papers by Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv in 1977 and 1978
(A) Lossy data compression
(B) Lossless data compression
(C) Both
(D) None of the above

Correct option is B

6. Deflate = ________
(A) LZ78 + Huffman
(B) LZ77 + Huffman
(C) LZW + Huffman
(D) None of these

Correct option is B

7. Full form of GIF.
(A) Graphics Interchange Form
(B) Graphics Inter Format
(C) Graphics Interchange Format
(D) Graphics Interact Format

Correct option is C

8. LZ78 has _____ compression but very _____ decompression than LZ77.
(A) fast, slow
(B) slow, fast
(C) None of these

Correct option is B

9. Compression packages which use an LZ77-based algorithm followed by a variable-length coder.
(A) PKZip
(B) Zip
(D) All of the above

Correct option is D

10. Application of LZW
(B) Zip
(D) All of the above

Correct option is A

11. Algorithm used for solving temporal probabilistic reasoning
(A) Depth-first search
(B) Hidden markov model
(C) Hidden markov model
(D) Breadth-first search

Correct option is C

12. Where does the Hidden Markov Model is used?
(A) Understanding of real world
(B) Speech recognition
(C) Both
(D) None of the above

Correct option is B

13. A coding scheme that takes advantage of long runs of identical symbols is called aA) Move-to-front coding
(B) Binary coding
(C) Huffman coding
(D) Move-to-back coding

Correct option is A

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