Image Processing Unit - 2 mcq

Image Processing Unit - 2 mcq

 Image Processing  Unit - 2 mcq


1. What is the technique for a gray-level transformation function called, if the transformation would be to produce an image of higher contrast than the original by darkening the levels below some gray-level m and brightening the levels above m in the original image.
(A) Point processing
(B) Mask processing
(C) Point Processing
(D) Contrast processing

Correct option is D

2. Using gray-level transformation, the basic function linearity deals with which of the following transformation?.
(A) Negative and identity transformations
(B) Log and inverse log transformations
(C) nth root transformation
(D) None of these

Correct option is A

3. Using gray-level transformation, the basic function logrithmic deals with which of the following transformation?.
(A) Negative and identity transformations
(B) Log and inverse log transformations
(C) nth root transformation
(D) None of these

Correct option is B

4. If r be the gray-level of image before processing and s after processing then which expression defines the negative transformation, for the gray-level in the range [0, L - 1]?
(A) s = cr^(y), c and y are positive constant
(B) s = c(log(1 + r)), c is constant and r > 0
(C) s = L - 1 - r
(D) None of the above

Correct option is C

5. If r be the gray-level of image before processing and s after processing then which expression helps to obtain the negative of an image for the gray-level in the range [0, L - 1]?
(A) s = cr^(y), c and y are positive constant
(B) s = c(log(1 + r)), c is constant and r >= 0
(C) s = L - 1 - r
(D) None of the above

Correct option is B

6. . What is the sum of all components of a normalized histogram?
(A) 1
(B) -1
(C) 0
(D) None of the above

Correct option is A

7. . A low contrast image will have what kind of histogram when, the histogram, h(rk) = nk, rk the kth gray level and nk total pixels with gray level rk, is plotted nk versus rk? 

(A) The histogram that covers wide range of gray scale and the distribution of pixel is approximately uniform
(B) The histogram whose component are biased toward high side of gray scale
(C) The histogram that is narrow and centered toward the middle of gray scale
(D) None of the above

Correct option is C

8. The technique of Enhancement that has a specified Histogram processed image as result, is called?
(A) Histogram equalization
(B) Histogram linearization
(C) Histogram matching
(D) None of the above

Correct option is C

9. In neighborhood operations working is being done with the value of image pixel in the neighborhood and the corresponding value of a sub image that has same dimension as neighborhood. The subn image is referred as _______
(A) Mask
(B) Template
(C) Filter
(D) All of the above

Correct option is D

10. In linear spatial filtering, what is the pixel of the image under mask corresponding to the mask coefficient w (1, -1), assuming a 3*3 mask?
(A) f (x, -y)
(B) f (x+1, y)
(C) f (x, y-1)
(D) f (x+1, y-1)

Correct option is D

11. Which of the following method is/are used for padding the image?
(A) Adding rows and column of 0 or other constant gray level
(B) Simply replacing the rows or cloumns
(C) Both
(D) None of the above

Correct option is C

12. The output of a smoothing, linear spatial filtering is a ____________ of the pixels contained in the neighbourhood of the filter mask.
(A) Dot product
(B) Product
(C) Average
(D) Sum

Correct option is C

13. Averaging filters is also known as
(A) Band pass
(B) High pass
(C) Low pass
(D) None of the above

Correct option is A

14. Which of the following is the primary objective of sharpening of an image?
(A) Increase the brightness of the image
(B) Blurring the image
(C) Highlight fine details in the image
(D) None of the above

Correct option is C

15. Sharpening is analogous to which of the following operations?
(A) To spatial integration
(B) To spatial differentiation
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of the above

Correct option is B

16. The principle objective of Sharpening, to highlight transitions is
(A) Intensity
(B) Composure
(C) Pixel density
(D) Brightness

Correct option is A

17. What is the name of the filter that multiplies two functions F(u, v) and H(u, v), where F has complex components too since is Fourier transformed function of f(x, y), in an order that each component of H multiplies both real and complex part of corresponding component in F?

(A) Unsharp mask filter
(B) Zero phase shift filter
(C) High boost filter
(D) None of the above

Correct option is B

18. What is the name of the filter that is used to turn the average value of a processed image zero?

(A) Notch filter
(B) Parametric filer
(C) Band pass filter
(D) Inverse filter

Correct option is A

19. Which of the following is/are considered as type(s) of low pass filters?

(A) Butterworth
(B) Ideal
(C) Gaussian
(D) All of the above

Correct option is D

20. In Homomorphic filtering which of the following operations is used to convert input image to discrete Fourier transformed function?

(A) Exponential operation
(B) Negative operation
(C) Logarithmic operation
(D) None of the above

Correct option is C


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