Machine Learning Unit - 5 mcq

Machine Learning Unit - 5 mcq

 Machine Learning Unit - 5 mcq


1. Genetic algorithm is a
(A) Search technique used in computing to find true or approximate solution to optimization and search problem
(B) Sorting technique used in computing to find true or approximate solution to optimization and sort problem
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of these

Correct option is A

2. GA techniques are inspired by _________ biology.
(A) Evolutionary
(B) Cytology
(C) Anatomy
(D) Ecology

Correct option is A

3. When would the genetic algorithm terminate?
(A) Maximum number of generations has been produced
(B) Satisfactory fitness level has been reached for the population.
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of these

Correct option is C

4. The algorithm operates by iteratively updating a pool of hypotheses, called the
(A) Population
(B) Fitness
(C) None of these

Correct option is A

5. What is the correct representation of GA?
(A) GA(Fitness, Fitness_threshold, p)
(B) GA(Fitness, Fitness_threshold, p, r )
(C) GA(Fitness, Fitness_threshold, p, r, m)
(D) GA(Fitness, Fitness_threshold)

Correct option is C

6. Genetic operators includes
(A) Crossover
(B) Mutation
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of these

Correct option is C

7. Produces two new offspring from two parent string by copying selected bits from each parent is called
(A) Mutation
(B) Inheritance
(C) Crossover
(D) None of these

Correct option is C

8. Each schema the set of bit strings containing the indicated as
(A) 0s, 1s
(B) only 0s
(C) only 1s
(D) 0s, 1s, *s

Correct option is D

9. 0*10 represents the set of bit strings that includes exactly
(A) 0010, 0110
(B) 0010, 0010
(C) 0100, 0110
(D) 0100, 0010

Correct option is A

10. Correct ( h ) is the percent of all training examples correctly classified by hypothesis h. then Fitness function is equal to
(A) Fitness ( h) = (correct ( h)) 2
(B) Fitness ( h) = (correct ( h)) 3
(C) Fitness ( h) = (correct ( h))
(D) Fitness ( h) = (correct ( h)) 4

Correct option is A

11. Statement: Genetic Programming individuals in the evolving population are computer programs rather than bit strings.
(A) True
(B) False

Correct option is A

12. _________ evolution over many generations was directly influenced by the experiences of individual organisms during their lifetime
(A) Baldwin
(B) Lamarckian
(C) Bayes
(D) None of these

Correct option is B

13. Search through the hypothesis space cannot be characterized. Why?
(A) Hypotheses are created by crossover and mutation operators that allow radical changes between successive generations
(B) Hypotheses are not created by crossover and mutation operators.
(D) None of these

Correct option is A

14. ILP stand for
(A) Inductive Logical programming
(B) Inductive Logic Programming
(C) Inductive Logical Program
(D) Inductive Logic Program

Correct option is B

15. What is/are the requirement for the Learn-One-Rule method?
(A) Input, accepts a set of +ve and -ve training examples.
(B) Output, delivers a single rule that covers many +ve examples and few -ve.
(C) Output rule has a high accuracy but not necessarily a high coverage.
(D) A & B
(E) A, B & C

Correct option is E

16. _________ is any predicate (or its negation) applied to any set of terms.
(A) Literal
(B) Null
(C) Clause
(D) None of these

Correct option is A

17. Ground literal is a literal that
(A) Contains only variables
(B) does not contains any functions
(C) does not contains any variables
(D) Contains only functions

Correct option is C

18. ____________ emphasizes learning feedback that evaluates the learner's performance without providing standards of correctness in the form of behavioural targets.
(A) Reinforcement learning
(B) Supervised Learning
(C) None of these

Correct option is A

19. Features of Reinforcement learning
(A) Set of problem rather than set of techniques
(B) RL is training by reward and punishments.
(C) RL is learning from trial and error with the world.
(D) All of these

Correct option is D

20. Which type of feedback used by RL?
(A) Purely Instructive feedback
(B) Purely Evaluative feedback
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of these

Correct option is B

21. What is/are the problem solving methods for RL?
(A) Dynamic programming
(B) Monte Carlo Methods
(C) Temporal-difference learning
(D) All of these

Correct option is D

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