Renewable Energy Resources MCQ Unit - 1

Renewable Energy Resources MCQ Unit - 1

 Renewable Energy Resources MCQ Unit - 1

1. The disadvantage of renewable energy:-
a. Pollution is high
b. Available only in a few places
c. Running cost is high
d. Unreliable supply

 Correct option is D

2. A Solar cell is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by which effect:-
a. Physical effect
b. Chemical effect
c. Photovoltaic effect
d. Photosynthesis effect

Correct option is c

3. The main composition of biogas is:-
a. Hydrogen
b. Methane
c. Nitrogen
d. Carbon dioxide

Correct option is B

4. Ministry which is mainly responsible for research and development in renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind power, small hydro, biogas etc.:-
a. Human Resource Development
b. Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
c. Health and Family Welfare
d. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

Correct option is D

5. India has a large amount of installed grid interactive renewable power capacity:-
a. Small Hydro power
b. Solar power
c. Wind power
d. Biogas power

Correct option is C

6. World's first 100 percent solar powered international airport:-
a. Mumbai, Maharashtra
b. Cohin, Kerla
c. Chennai, Tamilnadu
d. Hyderabad, Telangana

Correct option is B

7. Which of the following is not under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE):-
a. Large hydro power energy
b. Wind energy
c. Solar energy
d. Tidal energy

Correct option is A

8. Largest Wind Farm in India is located at:-
a. Chakala Wind Farm, Maharashtra
b. Jaisalmer Wind Park, Rajasthan
c. Vaspet Wind Farm, Maharashtra
d. Muppandal Wind Farm, Tamil Nadu

Correct option is B

9. Conventional energy sources may also called as:-
a. Commercial energy sources
b. Non renewable energy sources
c. Both
d. None of these

Correct option is C

10. Coal energy is mainly composed of:-
a. Methane
b. Carbon and hydrocarbons
c. Nitrogen
d. Propane

Correct option is B

11. Coal produces ________________ which is the cause of acid rain.    
a. Carbon mono-oxide
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Sulphar dioxide
d. None of these

Correct option is C

12. Natural gas is mainly composed of:-
a. Carbon and hydrocarbons 
b. Methane with small amount of propane and ethane
c. Nitrogen
d. Hydrogen

Correct option is B

13. Solar energy can be used as:-
a. By direct conversion to a fuel by photosynthesis
b. By conversion to electricity via thermo-electric power system
c. By direct conversion to electricity by photovoltaic
d. All of these.

Correct option is D

14. The sun releases the enormous amount of energy due to continuous _________ reaction taking place inside the sun.
a. Fission
b. Fusion
c. Both
d. None of these

Correct option is B

15. The sun sends out the energy in the form of radiations at the rate of _________. However, the energy intercepted by the earth is about ______.
a. 3.7x10^(20) MW, 1.85x10^(11) MW

b. 3.7x10^(10) MW, 1.85x10^(1) MW

c. 3.7x10^(30) MW, 1.85x10^(111) MW

d. None of these

 Correct option is A


16. Which energy is developed by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon
(A) Wind energy
(B) Tidal energy
(C) Geothermal energy
(D) Solar energy

Correct option is B

17. Full form of OTEC.
(A) Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
(B) Ocean Temperature Energy Conversion
(C) Outer Temperature Energy Conversion
(D) None of these

Correct option is A

18. The motion of the sea surface in the form of wind waves forms a source of energy called as ________.
(A) Wind energy
(B) Wave energy
(C) Tidal energy
(D) None of these

Correct option is B

19. There is an __________ in the temperature of the earth with increasing depth below the surface.
(A) Decrease
(B) Increase
(C) Both
(D) Not fixed

Correct option is B

20. In the steam waste ______, ______ air pollutant gases are present.
(A) H2S
(B) NH3
(C) Both
(D) None of these

Correct option is C

21. Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) renamed as ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in _______.
(A) 1981
(B) 1982
(C) 1992
(D) 2006

Correct option is D

22. The Jawaharlal Nehru national solar mission was launched on the ___________.
(A) 11 January, 2010
(B) 11 January, 2002
(C) 11 January, 2006
(D) 11 January, 2012

Correct option is A

23. Materials may used for solar cell.
(A) CuInSe2
(B) CaS, GaAs, Cu2S
(C) CdTe, ZnTe
(D) All of these

Correct option is D

24. The choice of materials for solar cell depends on the _________.
(A) Cost
(B) Band energy gap
(C) Efficiency
(D) All of these

Correct option is D

25. Photons of quantum energy ________ cannot contribute to photoelectric current production.
(A) hv>Eg
(B) hv=Eg
(C) hv<Eg
(D) None of these

Correct option is C

26. Cell quantity is maximum when the value of 'fill factor' approaches to ________.
(A) Greater than unity
(B) Equal to unity
(C) Lesser than unity
(D) None of these

Correct option is B

27. Maximum efficiency solar cell types in latest_______.
(A) Multi-junction concentrator solar cells
(B) Polycrystalline photovoltaic or thin-film solar cells
(C) Monocrystalline silicon solar cells
(D) Amorphous silicon solar cells

Correct option is A

28. Full form of MPPT.

(A) Minimum Power Transfer Theorem
(B) Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
(C) Maximum Power Transfer Transistion
(D) None of these

Correct option is B

29. The capacity of battery is expressed in _______.
(A) Watts
(B) Ampere-hours
(C) Ampere-watts
(D) Ampere-volts

Correct option is B

30. The applications of photovoltaic systems are_______.
(A) Solar street light
(B) Water pumping system
(C) Solar vehicles
(D) All of these

Correct option is D


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