Parallel and Distributed Computing Unit - 5 mcq
1. Where is linear searching used?
(A) When performing a single search in an unordered list
(B) When the list has only a few elements and When performing a single search in an unordered list
(C) When the list has only a few elements
(D) Used all time
2. Is there any difference in the speed of execution between linear search(recursive) vs linear search(iterative)?
(A) Both execute at same speed
(B) Linear search(Iterative) is faster
(C) Linear search(recursive) is faster
(D) Can’t say
3. Linear search(recursive) algorithm used in _____________
(A) When the size of the dataset is low
(B) When the size of the dataset is large
(C) When the dataset is unordered
(D) None of these
4. What is the recurrence relation for the linear search recursive algorithm?
(A) T(n-2)+c
(B) 2T(n-1)+c
(C) T(n-1)+c
(D) T(n+1)+c
5. The main advantages of DFS is
(A) Storage requirement is linear in the depth of state spaced
(B) Storage requirement is parallel in the depth of state spaced
(C) None of these
6. _____________ of the parallel system is defined as the ratio of
the work done by the parallel formulation to that done by the sequential
(A) Search overhead factor
(B) Search Overwork factor
(C) Sorting overhead factor.
(D) None of these
7. Executions yielding speedups greater than p by using p processors
are referred to as ___________ anomalies. Speedups of less than p using
p processors are called _________ anomalies.
(A) Acceleration , Deceleration
(B) Deceleration, Acceleration
8. When a processor runs out of work, it gets more work from another processor that has work is called
(A) Dynamic load balancing
(B) Static load balancing
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of these
9. ARR stand for
(A) Asynchronous Round Robin
(B) Asynchronous Robin Round
(C) Asynchronous Round Random
(D) Asynchronous Random Round
10. The system maintains a global counter and request are made in a round- robin fashion globally called
(A) Global robin round (GRR)
(B) Global round random GRR)
(C) Global round robin(GRR)
(D) Global random round (GRR)
11. Statement: Quick sort follows Divide-and-Conquer strategy.
(A) True
(B) False
12. Strategies for parallel best-first tree search
(A) Random communication strategy
(B) Ring communication
(C) Blackboard communication
(D) All of these offers a wealth of information and resources, with a focus on the latest trends in technology. Explore the Domain esia and its potential to revolutionize online services, making your digital journey smoother and more efficient.