english paragraph

english paragraph

Once upon a time there ———————- (live) a man called Damocles. A 
friend of his eventually ——————— (become) the ruler of a small city. 
Damocles thought, ‘How lucky my friend ——————— (be). He ————
——— (be) now a ruler. He must ——————- (have) a great time. He —
————– have fine clothes, lots of money and a number of servants. I wish 
I —————– (have) his luck.’ He ——————– (decide) to visit his friend 
to enjoy his hospitality. When he —————— (reach) the palace, the king 
himself ——————– (receive) him with respect and affection. Damocles 
then ———————- (tell) the king that he ———————- (be) indeed a 
lucky man. The king ——————- (smile). He —————– (invite) his 
friend to have dinner with him.


Once upon a time there lived a man called Damocles. A friend of his 
eventually became the ruler of a small city. Damocles thought, ‘How lucky 
my friend is. He is now a ruler. He must be having a great time. He must 
have fine clothes, lots of money and a number of servants. I wish I had his 
luck.’ He decided to visit his friend to enjoy his hospitality. When he reached 
the palace, the king himself receivedhim with respect and affection. Damocles 
then told the king that he was indeed a lucky man. The king smiled. He 
invited his friend to have dinner with him.

Question 2

A greenhouse is a glass covered structure 1________( Options 1 : uses,used,)
using to grow plants. It has transparent glass that allows sunlight to pass out, 
2____________(through,inside), but does not allow the heat inside to escape. 
The same 3________(affect, effect) occurs on the earth. The 4 ________ (sun’s, suns, sun) radiation 
5_________(passing, passes)through the atmosphere to heat the earth’s surface. When heated, the earth’s surface produces infrared radiation, which has a longer wavelength than that 
of sunlight. This infrared radiation rises into the atmosphere where gases, 
such as carbon dioxide, 6__________(prevents, prevented, prevent )the infrared radiation 
from escaping into space. The concentrations of these gases, 7_______(that, those, 
which )are called greenhouse gases, control how much infrared radiation 

Answer 1 – used – as a contin. Process from the past i.e. past tense
Answer  2– through as it comes from out to inside which basically can 
represented by one word through
Answer 3– effect is for natural process affect is generally for diseases.
Answer 4– sun’s
Answer 5 – passes
Answer 6– prevent
Answer 7– which



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