Interview questions

Interview questions

Interview questions

1. Tell me something about your academic background.

2. What is your academic project?

3. What is your role in the project?

4. Explain the SRS of your project

5. How does the project works?

6. What algorithm is used in recognition

7. Explain that algorithm

8. Are you a vegetarian or non- vegetarian?

9. What is your favourite subject

10. Are you sure its dbms?

11. Explain Codd's 12 rule

12. What is a trigger?

13. What is primary key and foreign key?

14. What is Referential Integrity Contraint?

15. What are the data types in SQL

16. What is VARCHAR 2?

17. have you worked in Oracle?

18. Tell me some basic Linux command.

19. What are the properties of file?

20. Which language are you comfortable?

21. Why have you chosen Python for the project?

22. Write psedu code for the following series : 1,1,2,3,5,8,13

23. Explain the psedo code.

24. What do you want to become? DBM or DBA?

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